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Minor & Adult Guardianship

Meglan Law, LLC is well-versed in legal guardianships, assisting individuals in acquiring guardianship for both minors and incapacitated adults. A guardianship allows the holder to make decisions on the behalf of another who may be incapable of making those decisions on their own. 


A minor’s legal guardian may be an adult close to them, such as a friend or family member, who is appointed to care for them following the inability or death of the minor’s parents. This may involve physical custody and care and/or financial guardianship to assist the minor with their property and assets. When regarding physical custody, the guardian becomes responsible for the minor’s well-being and must provide the necessities of life while making full decisions for them until the age of eighteen (or until a court determines a guardian is no longer needed.)

Elderly woman smiling at home
Incapacitated Adults

In the event that an adult is disabled or incapacitated, and they don’t have an established Power of Attorney or medical directives in place, a guardian or conservator may be appointed to act on their behalf. A guardian would be responsible for their well-being and is expected to act in the ward’s best interests.  A conservator is responsible for managing the financial assets of the ward.